
This section is designed to help you with some commonly asked questions. Please check below to see if your question is answered here. If it isn’t, please contact us via the form that you will find via the Contact link at the very bottom of each page of this website.

I work from home and don’t want my full address to appear in the UKAVA Directory.
That’s fine. In the field where you are asked to complete you address details just add the town or city nearest to you and the map pin and address details will appear for the center point of that town or city.

I own a multi virtual assistant business, with branches all over the UK, and want to add all of my office addresses.
Once you have set up your main branch, or head office, you can add additional listings for each of your branches/location. This gives you the opportunity to manage all of your business listings in one place and keep control of your branding. You will be billed for each listing separately.

I have a listing, but I need to change some of the details?
In the My Dashboard section, click on the tab that says Listings. Next to your listing click on the three dots at the bottom and select Edit. From there you can edit your details. Don’t forget to click on Submit Listing at the bottom when you are finished.

I have a listing, but I’d like to upgrade to a Full or Features Listing?
In the My Dashboard section, click on the tab that says Listings. Next to your listing click on the three dots at the bottom and select Upgrade. Your upgrade options will appear at the top. Select the package you would like, make and changes to your listing details, then click Submit Listing at the bottom when you are finished.

I’ve been sent a renewal reminder, how do I renew my listing?
In the My Dashboard section, click on the tab that says Listings. Next to your listing click on the three dots at the bottom and select Renew. Your renewal options will appear at the top. Select the package you would like, make and changes to your listing details, then click Submit Listing at the bottom when you are finished. Once you have paid for your renewal your invoice will appear under the Invoices tab.